With the new The Chop Shop update for GTA Online, some new content comes into the game and this includes, among other things, scrap trading. After buying a junkyard in Los Santos, you can run your own scrap business and make money from it. You can either dismantle the stolen vehicles and then earn money from the individual parts or you can sell the vehicles directly for a lump sum. In this short guide we will show you how you can buy a scrapyard in GTA Online and then later run the scrap trade.


  • Unlock Scrap Trade: Buy Scrap Yard in GTA Online
  • Making money with the scrapyard: is it worth it?

Unlock Scrap Trade: Buy Scrap Yard in GTA Online

As with other ventures, you can start a scrap trade by purchasing one of the five scrap yards from Maze Bank.

  1. Open your cell phone and access the “Maze Bank” website via “Internet”.
  2. Click on the “scrap trade” at the top right and you will see all five scrap yards. The cheapest junkyard is in the far north at Paleto Bay and costs $1,620,000 and the most expensive junkyard is in La Puerta and costs a whopping $2,690,000.

Since you always have to drive to the scrapyard, it is of course a good idea to set up your scrap business somewhere close to the city, although the initial investment is higher here. In terms of function, all scrap yards are the same and they only differ in their location.

Junkyard Price
Paleto Bay 1,620,000
Sandy Shores 2,030,000
Muerieta Heights 2,420,000
Strawberries 2,570,000
La Puerta 2,690,000

When purchasing, you can also purchase some upgrades such as the trade prices for $450,000 (discount on all insurance claims with Mors Mutual and on vehicle repairs with LS Customs). You can also buy a normal tow truck and a dented tow truck for $650,000 and $1,100,000, respectively, so that you can later tow cars and then dismantle them into their individual parts. Last but not least, there is a wall safe and staff. After the purchase from the junkyard, the phone with the good Yusuf rings. Then you can get to work stealing and selling cars.

Making money with the scrapyard: is it worth it?

There are several ways you can make money from the scrapyard. On the one hand you can complete orders and on the other hand you can simply tow cars around the city with the tow truck (if purchased) and make money.

  • You can use the scrapyard to start a job on the planning computer with a subsequent robbery and then steal a car at the end. You can then dismantle the car into individual parts or sell the entire car. The job takes around 40 to 45 minutes and brings in anywhere from $260,000 to $395,000 depending on the car. This means that the junkyard isn’t the best or fastest way to make money quickly in GTA Online, but the raids are a nice change.
  • You can use the tow truck to tow the vehicles marked on the map. To do this, you drive backwards towards the car, press the left analog stick down and you can then take the car to the scrap shop. The car is then dismantled by the staff and Yussuf informs you when the individual parts have been sold.

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Martin Jenkins

dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.

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