You’re trying to load your GTA 5 or GTA Online save and get the following error message: “Your save could not be loaded from the Rockstar cloud server”. Then you are not alone, because we have also had to struggle with this problem many times in the past. We have summarized here what you can do about it and whether there are reasons to look for it in your own hardware. A short time ago we tried to log into GTA 5 Online to do a lap online in Los Santos and compete against some players in a race. Even though the loading process worked without any major problems and we got into the game and were able to play online briefly, the error occurred later. When trying to enter a deathmatch round, the error message “Your save could not be loaded from the Rockstar cloud server” appears. Please try again later. You now return to Grand Theft Auto V.” After researching the report online, it seemed we weren’t alone with the problem and it kept popping up for some players. It was usually said that the error was caused by a brief disruption in Rockstar’s servers.

Error loading GTA 5 Online save file

GTA 5 Online: Error loading save – what to do?

Since we checked a few things like internet connection and other things, we couldn’t really find a cause for the GTA 5 Online save game loading error message. Even if the shock is initially great and you are worried about your own progress in the game, these are not really justified. The reason is that the save file has definitely not disappeared and if you give it a few minutes, it usually works again after a few minutes. If you are also affected by the error message “Your save could not be loaded from the Rockstar cloud server” and have perhaps even found a solution other than waiting and drinking tea, then please feel free to report it to us using the comments function on this page.

Update: Your save could not be loaded from the Rockstar cloud server

According to a forum post in the official Rockstar Games forum, you could read that this error appears to be caused by an error in data synchronization. We have only had this error very rarely in the past, although we haven’t really found a cause for it. The problem appears to be platform-independent, so it occurs on both the PS4 and PlayStation 3 as well as the Xbox One and 360 versions. Let’s see whether the next-generation versions and the PC version of GTA Online will also be affected by this.

Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.

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