Is there anything better than a violinist and two singers that are epic World of Warcraft Perform music? A whole army digitally cloned violinist and singer, the epic World of Warcraft Perform music, of course.

In this case it’s the violinist (and YouTube great) Taylor Davis as well as the singer Peter Hollens with his wife Evynne. With the help of creative multitracking (recording on multiple tracks), the trio plays and sings an iconic medley Wow Hymns. If you like the track, you can here download.

The Hollenses have also released their own, purely vocal version of the medley, which you can see below and here can download.

Henry Alexander

an accomplished IT professional with a wealth of experience in the high-tech industry. As the IT Team Lead for Validation and Embedded Software at Qualcomm, he leverages his expertise to drive innovation and ensure optimal performance. With a career spanning over 40 years in Silicon Valley startups and consulting, Henry has been at the forefront of technological advancements. From software engineering to management positions, his diverse skill set has enabled him to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Currently, as an IT Manager and Web Administrator, Henry continues to contribute his knowledge and expertise to shape the digital future.

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