Rockstar plans to expand GTA 6’s story after the game’s release. This was reported by a Tez2 insider who occasionally talks about behind the scenes of development.

According to an insider, Rockstar has taken GTA 5’s flaws into account. Originally, the fifth part was also supposed to receive a few story DLCs, but these had to be canceled in favor of GTA Online.

The first wave of “new cities and missions” released as part of the DLC will definitely be planned before the release of GTA VI. And Rockstar will be able to allocate resources for each new game they work on after the release of the sixth installment.

As for the cities, I think most of them will be “instances” like Cayo Perico or North Yankton. Rockstar will be able to release a new raid for the next GTA Online with each new DLC.

— Tez2

News about DLC cities has been around for a long time. They were confirmed by SamaGame’s Jason Schreier in late July. According to his sources, the events will take place in modern Vice City, and the main characters will be a couple inspired by the story of Bonnie and Clyde.

Following Schreier’s statements, Axios reported that Rockstar planned to include three cities in the game, but ultimately only left one.

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The media revealed new details of GTA 6. The female protagonist, the map with Vice City and updates with entire cities

Destructibility, list of cities, connection with Manhunt and the main characters – a new rumor revealed the details of GTA 6

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Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.

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