Where do you get the legendary item components and upgrade components in Cyberpunk 2077? One or two players who want to upgrade or craft a legendary weapon may have a similar question. For crafting and upgrades, you need, among other things, the item components in the rarity level of the respective weapon. While you usually have more than enough of the common and rare item components, things are different when it comes to the epic and legendary item components.

Buy and find legendary item components

You get the legendary item components as well as the legendary upgrade components later in the game from the loot of enemies and the boxes that you find during missions and in side quests such as “Raids” or “Suspicion of Organized Crime”. . Furthermore, the legendary item components can also be purchased from junk dealers for 1,000 Eurodollars per component (without any discount through benefits). The third way you can get legendary items and upgrade components is by dismantling legendary weapons and equipment. Whenever you dismantle a legendary weapon or equipment, you get item and upgrade components.

Farming Legendary Components

Players have now found various tricks with which to farm the legendary components. A fairly simple farming method is to buy a specific legendary item from a junk dealer and then dismantle it. You’ll have to spend a few Eurodollars on this, but it’s a lot cheaper than buying the components directly from the dealer.

In the city center you will find a junk dealer (see screenshot for location) who sells the legendary item called “Johnny Silverhand Never Fade Away Record”. The item costs 600 euros and can be dismantled like other items. Since it is a legendary item, dismantling it will give you 1x legendary item component and 3x legendary upgrade component. Once you have bought the record, it disappears from the dealer’s offer. In order to reset the offer and be able to buy the legendary item again, you now have to leave the store, fast forward 24 hours using the inventory and the “wait” function and then you can enter the store again and buy the item again.

  • Go to the junk dealer shown and buy the legendary item with the record.
  • Disassemble item and get 1x item component and 3x upgrade components.
  • Leave the store, wait 24 hours and buy the legendary record again and disassemble it.

As an alternative to the junk dealer shown, you can also buy the legendary cyberware mods from Ripperdocs, which also yield 1x item component and 3x upgrade components when dismantled and also cost around 600 to 800 Eurodollars.

Are there other ways to quickly farm legendary item components and upgrade components?

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Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.

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