In the very west of Tiragarde Sound World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroths island state of Kul Tiras, nestled in a rather boring but calming green hilly landscape, lies a gold and amber treasure trove of abandoned technological junk. It’s a lovely place, as long as you don’t mind the vicious robot dogs.

It’s downright disturbing to travel from the monotonous hills beyond the broken robot to the Abandoned Junkheap. One moment you’re surrounded by boring brown…


… and the next you’re in a rust-red mechanical wonderland.

If you get it at the right time of day, the golden-edged leaves and rusted gears can be a breathtaking sight. On my first visit, I just sat down and just stared at everything, speechless. Especially in 4K it is a real feast for the eyes. Look for yourself:

My new wallpaper.

However, you shouldn’t enjoy this sight for too long because, as I mentioned, the Abandoned Junkheap is home to some very vicious robot dogs.

Sit. Sits. Oh God.

In the middle of this area is a mechanical panther that would make a great pet for a gnome hunter.


Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do in the Abandoned Junkheap. Just a few quests during which you get nibbled on by robots. But there’s nothing stopping you from ignoring the danger and taking your time Recore Soak up the atmosphere of the new prettiest place in Azeroth.

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Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.

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