This is an absolutely nasty but not unexpected development for anyone who has been conflicted about whether to spend $5-10 on a Cinder Kitten. The newest World of Warcraft Update added an unavoidable store to the game, able to strike exactly when the desire is greatest.

Previously, players had to press Alt-Tab to World of Warcraft to leave if you wanted to spend real money on virtual items that will one day no longer exist. This circumstance gave these players time to realize the truth that I carefully hid in the previous sentence.

But now the whole thing goes like this: “Oh my God, she has a Cinder Kitten! I want to have a Cinder Kitten! Oh God, I bought a Cinder Kitten.”

The opening of the store in the game does not primarily serve to separate the impulse-driven players from their money, but rather it means that the infrastructure is now in place Blizzard ever decide to make that baby (or kitten) free-to-play.

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Carlos Hall

expert in Xbox Microsoft gaming. With a deep passion for gaming, I have accumulated over 30 years of experience across a wide range of genres. From first-person shooters to role-playing games, I've immersed myself in the virtual worlds and mastered the art of gaming. Alongside my gaming expertise, I have a strong professional background, having worked as a Googler and previously at OutSystems. I hold an MBA and have authored technology-related content since 2001. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights to help others make the most of their gaming experiences and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.

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