Blizzard is currently installing patch 4.1 for World of Warcraft on its servers and user clients. The update will add a ton of new “story” content and a number of features that can significantly impact the gameplay.

The patch is called “Rise of the Zandalari”; According to the attached description, it is about the attempt of the troll tribe Zandalar to unite the remaining surviving tribes and restore the ancient troll empire, and restore it in such a way that it would not seem too bad to anyone.

Only the Darkspear tribe, which is allied with the Horde, refused to participate in this project; his leader Vol’jin threatened that if the Zandalari and their new allies went to war, the Darkspear would rise against them – along with the Horde, or even the Alliance.

The update introduces quests for level 85 players in the Stranglethorn zone, and the low-level dungeons Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman become relevant again – again as “heroic” for level 85 players. Just like Dead Mines, for example.

There’s also a Call to Arms feature for Dungeon Finder that aims to reduce wait times for entry – players using the Dungeon Finder are sometimes forced to wait an hour before a full party is reached.

Some roles – especially tanks and healers – can be very difficult to find. The new system will reward characters who represent the least popular roles in the group. After the final boss of the dungeon is killed, the player who comes to the “call to arms” will receive a “surprise bag”, which can contain anything from a potion to a mount (vehicle). Unfortunately, this feature will only apply to level 85 players.

Another feature being added is Guild Challenges. On the “Info” tab in the guild window, a new section will appear with weekly tasks, for completing which you can receive experience, achievements and gold. Unlike other updates, this applies to all levels, not just 85.

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Edward Griffin

As the CEO of Gamer Pro Corp, I lead a passionate team dedicated to creating immersive gaming experiences. With a background in gaming and a drive for innovation, I strive to push the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world. Alongside my gaming career, I am also a small business owner, composer, and writer, exploring my creative side in various mediums. I pursued my education at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and hold a BSc in Biochemistry from The University of York, graduating in 2017. I am fueled by a lifelong curiosity and a deep love for the gaming community.

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